When it comes to pests and pest control, there are countless myths and half-truths out there. These can be quite misleading, so to help you sort through the facts and falsehoods of the pest world, we compiled a list of the most widely-believed myths and debunked them.
Myth 1: Pests mean your home or business is unsanitary.
The Truth: When it comes to pests, this is probably one of the biggest misconceptions. Pests enter buildings in search of three things- food, water, and shelter. A clean building can provide these things just as well as a dirty building. Of course, dirty areas make it easier for pests to find what they are looking for, causing them to stay longer, but clean buildings are just as susceptible to pest infestations.
Myth 2: If you don’t see any pests, you don’t have any pests.
The Truth: Not seeing any pests roaming around your home or business is definitely a good thing, but it does not necessarily mean that there are no pests at all. Most pests are experts at staying hidden simply because their lives depend on not being found. Typically, the pests themselves are not what alert home and business owners to an infestation. Pests tend to leave behind clues like droppings or damaged items. These clues can be hard to notice, though, depending on the type and population of the pest. This means that certain pests, like termites and carpenter ants, can live completely undetected in a home or business for quite a while. It is important to regularly check for signs of pests so any populations can be eliminated sooner rather than later. If you’re not sure about where to look or what to look for, give us a call and we’ll happily answer any questions you may have.
Myth 3: Cheese is the best bait for mice.
The Truth: Despite what Tom and Jerry would have us believe, real-life mice just don’t have the love for cheese that cartoon mice have. Of course, mice will eat cheese if it is their only option, but they much prefer fatty or sweet foods such as peanut butter, cookies, meat, cereal, and other similar foods. Mice are also attracted to nesting materials, so traps can be baited with things like feathers or straw.
Myth 4: Termites cannot damage concrete or brick buildings.
The Truth: Unfortunately, not even brick and concrete buildings are immune to termite infestations. Termites will not damage the actual brick or concrete in a building, but they will certainly walk across it to get to the wood. Once there, they can cause considerable damage.
Myth 5: Mosquitoes only come out at dawn and dusk.
The Truth: This is not entirely true. While these are typically the peak hours for mosquito activity, mosquitoes can remain active throughout the day as long as there is a food source available and the weather is not too harsh. Because of this, it is a good idea to take precautions to avoid bites any time you are outside, no matter what time of day it is.
Myth 6: Insurance will cover the cost for any pest damage.
The Truth: Unfortunately, most insurance policies list pest damage under the exclusions. Be sure to check all of your policies thoroughly. If pest damage is not covered, then regular inspections and prevention methods are important to avoid greater costs.
Myth 7: DIY methods work just as well as professional treatments.
The Truth: Using DIY pest control methods is a lot like spraying perfume on a pile of garbage to get rid of the smell. The garbage may smell better for now, but you haven’t actually gotten rid of the source of the problem. DIY methods only get rid of the pests you can see. They do not get rid of the pests’ nests and colonies, so the pests will continue to show up no matter how many you get rid of. For instance, mousetraps alone will only get rid of individual mice and the colony will continue to reproduce. Similarly, pouring boiling water down an anthill will only kill the ants that are near the top of the colony. By the time the water gets to the bottom of the colony, where the queen lives, the water is no longer boiling and will not kill the queen. The queen can then easily lay enough eggs to replace each and every ant that was killed.
Professional pest control not only gets rid of the pests you can see, but also eradicates the source of the infestation and prevents future infestations.
Myth 8: One treatment will eliminate the problem.
The Truth: Infestations are almost never completely eradicated with only one treatment. It usually takes a few treatments before the pests are completely gone.
Myth 9: Professional pest control is dangerous or harmful.
The Truth: A common misconception is that professional pest control is dangerous and harmful to your health. This is not true at all. In fact, pests are more dangerous than pest control. We take pride in our ability to provide you with effective and, more importantly, certifiably safe pest control. Our knowledgeable and experienced staff will always treat you, your family, and your property with the respect you deserve- which is why we would never use any methods in your home or business that we wouldn’t use in our own.
Hopefully, this list helped shed some light on any questions you may have had about pests and pest control, whether for your residential pest control needs or commercial pest control services inquiries. Though if you find yourself still wondering about anything or require expert assistance in managing pests in either your home or business, don't hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team is here to provide solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a pest-free environment. Give us a call and ask away - we're here to help with all your commercial and residential pest control needs.