Wildlife Pest Control

racoon found in house attic
racoon found in house attic

Wildlife wanders in.
We escort them out.

When wildlife try and make your home their home, our skilled team steps in to get them out quickly and humanely. So you can get back to your life, and they can get back to theirs.
Free pest inspection. Same day service.

What’s included in our Wildlife Service:

We perform a full inspection to find points of entry.
We will safely and humanely remove the animal.
We’ll proof the area to provide a fast fix that prevents wildlife from getting back in. (We recommend contacting a qualified company to make any necessary fixes permanent.)
Our work is 100% guaranteed! We make sure the job is done right and will come back to address future issues.
Already on an existing Excel plan? You have unlimited emergency visits at no cost.
Quick reference

Frequently asked questions

Will Excel repair any missing siding or portions of my home that have been damaged by the Animal trying to enter my home?
We do not repair any damaged or missing portions of your home due to animals trying to get in to your home. We recommended having your home “proofed” so animals stop trying to get into the home. We suggest leaving our work on the home for 60-90 days to deter the animals from entering. Once this time period is over, we suggest hiring a qualified company to perform the necessary repairs on your home.
How long do you recommend keeping the wire mesh on my home prior to having a contractor come out to repair my home?
Between 60 to 90 Days
How will I know when the animals are completely out of my home?
The noises you typically hear when animals are entering or trying to enter your home will go away. An Excel technician can also come out 1-2 weeks after the service is performed to check attic areas and crawl spaces to make sure these animals are gone.
What happens if the animal/animals make other entry points around my home after the initial service is finished?
If your home was “Proofed” by Excel, we will come back out to your home, free of charge and provide the necessary work needed to make sure these animals leave the home in a safe manner.
Is this service performed on the same day as the inspection?
This service is not performed on the same day as the inspection. Materials for the job are ordered as soon as the signed contract is received. Our office will reach out to you and schedule our special service technician to come out ASAP, depending on their availability.
Is this service performed by a sub-contractor or is this done by an Excel employee?
This service is done by an Excel employee in our Special Services Division.

Your neighbors love us.
Pests, not so much.

“What I love about the service, and I’ve recommended so many people to them because of this, is that those ants come and go every year. They really don’t cause much of a problem, except your wife freaks out about it…she calls me, I call them, they show up, she’s happy, I’m happy…Problem solved.”

— Residential and commercial customer

“I did talk to a number of pest control companies, and when I considered the value of their being willing to come out anytime I have a problem I went with them. That freedom to just call is very valuable to me.”

— Residential customer

“I’ve been very happy with the service. The techs are actually very friendly. I actually enjoyed speaking with them. They’re very informative and kind of educated me on a couple of things…I think they hire really well.”

— Residential customer

If pests come back so do we. Guaranteed.

The Excel “Worry Free-Pest Free” Guarantee.
Partnering with us means we’ve got you covered all year long – with free return service visits, anytime. If you need us, call us. We’ll be there. It’s one more way you can Excel and exhale.
365 Guaranteed Badge

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You’ll be supporting research into Lyme disease, too.
Choosing Excel helps us support the John Hopkins Lyme Research Center. You will help them advance the critical knowledge and clinical tools urgently needed to improve Lyme disease patient care and health outcomes.

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